
Clearwater Online is the distance learning website of Clearwater College. Our aim is to provide a quality online educational alternative for the many who are unable to attend a residence Bible college. Here you will have access to top-notch courses in Bible, Theology, Christian Living, and Ministry Training. These courses may be taken for personal development as well as for credit toward a certificate, diploma, or degree.

Clearwater College in Collaboration with Zondervan and Bible Mesh

Zondervan has been a leading publisher of Christian books and Bible college textbooks for over eight decades. Recently, their academic division has partnered with Bible Mesh and Cerego to develop first-rate online courses using a cutting-edge educational platform that “intelligently” adapts to the learning needs of each student.

Zondervan is making these top-notch courses available through collaborating Bible Colleges who will provide academic guidance and support to students. Our role at Clearwater College is to customize the requirements and prepare a syllabus for each course in accordance with our own academic guidelines and recognized accreditation standards. Our own professors will then provide supervision and support to students taking these courses, and Clearwater College will give students credit toward a diploma or degree.

All courses are taught by world class scholars and incorporate a next-generation learning engine by Cerego, a company specializing in developing technology to improve education by applying adaptive learning and memory science to enhance how students learn, study, and remember. This software enables students to :

Cerego's Award-winning Learning Engine

High-quality video lectures and interactive reading materials are further enhanced by Cerego. Cerego’s team is comprised of experts in memory science, technology and education committed to advancing the personalized learning movement. Their next generation learning engine applies adaptive learning and memory science to enhance how you learn, study, and remember so that you . . . 

Learn Faster

Interactive lesson content follows effective pedagogical practices with
exercises and reviews enhanced by an award-winning learning engine.

Remember Longer

Study plans are algorithmically personalized based on the latest
in cognitive science to help students retain what they learn.

Track Progress

Each student’s dashboard updates every time they study,
so they can see what they’ve learned—and what to review next.

Here's How It Works

The adaptive learning technology developed by Cerego takes into account that every student learns differently and at a different pace. Therefore, each unit of every course contains assessments to track student learning. As students take the assessments, the system records correct answers, incorrect answers, number of attempts to get a correct answer, elapsed time to answer each question, and much more.

As students learn the material, the system learns how each student learns, and adjusts the assessments to match the needs of each individual student as they are learning. This means each student can find the optimal balance between learning new material and reviewing already learned concepts.

Each student’s reflective answers and quiz or exam results are sent directly to the professor overseeing the course. This gives professors unprecedented access into data about how each student learns—in real time. The teacher’s dashboard provides a variety of ways to view the information received so the professor can know how each individual student is doing or how the class is doing as a whole. This vital information assists the professor with responding appropriately to the learning needs of each student.