
Course Description

In the Galatians course, notable scholar Thomas R. Schreiner offers students a focused introduction to deeper study of Galatians. Through graphic representations of translations and succinct summaries of main ideas, Schreiner presents Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians with precision and accuracy.

Focused on the textual structure of the book, the Galatians course enables students to better understand the literary elements of Galatians. Students will also come to better comprehend the author’s revolutionary goals and the book’s vital implication for the church today.

By completing this course, you'll gain:

  • familiarity with the overarching organization and literary flow of Galatians
  • insight into the passage-by-passage meaning and messages of Galatians
  • a greater grasp of the book’s application today
  • confidence in your growing knowledge through unit assessments and personalized review sessions that include award-winning memory building tools

Course Instructor

Thomas R. Schreiner

Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary

Thomas R. Schreiner is James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament and associate dean of Scripture and interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. The author of numerous books, he is the preaching pastor of Clifton Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

Course Outline

Coming Soon

Course Textbook

This course is based on Thomas Schreiner's book Galatians from the Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series. While taking this course, you will have online access to most of this book's contents. However, if you want offline access or want this book in your personal library as a long-term reference, you may purchase it by clicking on the button to the right which will link you to 

Course Details


by Thomas R. Schreiner

15 Units, Self-paced

8.5 Hours of Video

12 Months of Access to All Online Content

3 Credits toward a Certificate, Diploma or Degre

Support by a Clearwater College Professor

Cost: $510 CAN